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Get ready!

Get ready!

Get ready!

While in prayer I heard the Lord say, "BREAK FREE!!!" When I asked the Lord what did He mean? He said, "this will be the month my people will BREAK FREE!!"

- Break free from strongholds - Break free from depression - Break free from suicidal thoughts - Break free from poverty mindsets - Break free from systems - Break free from people

That which has had you bound you will now have the grace to BREAK FREE from it!

Then I saw a vision of a woman wrapped in bandages like a mummy. As I watched, she began to break free from what had her tied up. It was somewhat of a struggle at first, as her movement was slow. But the more she wrestled the bandages were loosed and her feet and hands started to move more freely. First slow then as the bandages fell she took off in full speed.

Then I heard the Lord say, "I am releasing the BREAKERS ANOINTING!

Those who have been bound will now be able to break through and break out of what has kept them in locked up for years! (Micah 2:13)"

This new found freedom you are about to encounter, will be MINDBLOWING! There will be freedom to move. Freedom to flow and go into places you ONCE DREAMED ABOUT but because you were bound you loss hope.

Beloved what I am about to do is going to be SUDDEN, says the Lord! Then I heard the scripture Amos 9:13 MSG

"Yes indeed, it wont be long now." God's decree. "Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing on the heels of the other. You wont be able to keep up! Everything will be happening at once - and everywhere you look, blessings...."

Didn't I tell you it would be mind blowing?

Get ready beloved!

Get ready!

Freedom is FINALLY HERE, says the Lord!

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to pass it on to someone you know that use some encouragement. Also, don't forget to join me and a few of my friends in The Prayer Portal Monday - Friday at 7AM eastern standard time/6AM pm central.

Follow La Tanya on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn at @latanyadwalker


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